Student code of conduct

At UDIS, we have the following expectations for students at the school:

1. I will show respect for other people and their property

  • respecting the rights of others to learn
  • following my classroom’s routines/guidelines/directives/expectations
  • showing courtesy and respect towards others
  • showing respect for other people’s property
  • helping to create a peaceful and positive school environment

2. I will dress neatly and correctly whenever I am in my school uniform

  • wearing school uniform to and from school
  • wearing approved jewellery: plain ear studs, watch, Medic Alert bracelet
  • wearing regulation hair accessories
  • wearing a school sun hat while outside
  • wearing regulation sportsgear for all P.E. lessons and sporting activities
  • deviation from school uniform must be supported by communication from parents to the school

3. I will respect the UDIS Environment

  • doing all I can to keep our school clean and tidy
  • putting rubbish in bins
  • caring for plants, furniture, equipment and buildings
  • taking my lunch rubbish and leftovers home

4. I will work and play safely and sensibly in appropriate places

  • staying on the school grounds
  • playing only in our playground/field areas
  • staying outside the classrooms at intervals and lunchtimes in fine weather

5. I will know what to do at lunchtime and intervals

  • playing sensibly and safely at all times in designated areas
  • choosing suitable things to do in my room on inside days
  • sitting down and eating my lunch in the cafeteria until playtime

6. I will travel to and from school safely

  • sitting quietly and behaving sensibly on the bus
  • stowing my bag safely
  • crossing the road on a pedestrian crossing, or if there is not one, crossing behind the bus, and after it has moved off
  • moving safely through school grounds to parked vehicles, staying on paths, using the designated crossings and avoiding the carpark/bus bay

7. I will know what I can bring to school

  • bringing food and drink that is suitable for playtime or lunchtime
  • bringing drinks in plastic containers
  • leaving toys, games, money and other special things at home unless the teacher allows it for a special occasion
  • Personal electronic devices must be kept within the school bag during the day and must not be brought into class or used during the day

8. Bus Behaviour

Each bus will have a teacher whose responsibility it is to ensure satisfactory behaviour on the bus. Students who do not comply with these regulations will be reported by the teacher to SMT. Should a student be reported for unsatisfactory behaviour, either of a serious nature or frequently, parents will be notified and you will be warned that a subsequent referral will prohibit you from travelling on the school bus for a period of two weeks. In this case, parents will be responsible for arranging alternative transport to and from school. Students must wear full school uniform when travelling by bus.

9. Anti Bullying

UDIS is determined to ensure you have a learning environment free of any form of bullying. Therefore if at any time you do not feel safe at school, or are concerned about the safety of another student, inform your teacher immediately. You will be listened to and supported to ensure a positive and safe resolution.